Big ol' Gym Dad could be a potential spar/fight partner, for instance, if fighting is ever implimented. The game's about charming various female NPCs, sure, but that doesn't mean there can't be events with male NPCs.
#Pico sim date 3 full version images code
Doesn't necessarily have to be a legitimate save port, maybe just add a new lil' code at the end of both that you can use in PSD3 for goodies, lore, or just acknowledgement of achievements.

This could allow for a story that may follow in PSD2's footsteps by having to woo all of the girls for the one true girl in a set amount of time. 2~3 Morning activities, 2~3 Afternoon activities, 2~3 Night activities.) Could also compensate for extra energy by having a bed upgrade, which restores more stamina.
#Pico sim date 3 full version images upgrade
When the energy system becomes a thing, rather than divide it into 3 sections of the day, divide it into atleast 6, with a potential upgrade that could provide up to 9. There's neither events nor combat yet, which is saddening, but hopefully that'll change in future versions/final version(s). PSD2's charm was also the little work events, on top of the references. One of my favorite features of PSD1/PSD2 were the fights. Questionably lacking compared it's predecessors. I understand that it is a Beta, however it feels. Art style of the various NPCs is definitely that lovable, gritty aesthetic, though it's definitely nothing like earlier titles. I know the final result'll probably be different, but everything is straight-forward, yet also fleshed out. Has surprisingly decent micro-management. Still has that witty NG humor associated with PSD's. Will toss out criticism and ideas nonetheless, though: Am sad that the Flash shutdown happened when it did, as it means that development'll take longer to be ported over to a newer player, but no good things are ever rushed. Thanks for all the chipotle and subway! I seriously wouldn't have been able to do it without you. Very special thanks to RiceKappa who helped me with the art and dialogue. There's so much more things I want to add, so please let me know what you think! This game's for you guys! So instead of rushing things, I thought this would be a good opportunity to get feedback and suggestions before calling this a finished game. So yeah, I didn't realize Pico Day wasn't on April 30th like it used to be (that's how old school I am). I'd like to make a post about it later if I get the chance, but for now please enjoy! He might not remember but Tom generously sent me a Wacom when I was a kid, and it really let me keep doing the things I loved. It might sound cheeseball, but NG was actually a huge part of my childhood (for better or worse).

I've wanted to finally give my sincerest thanks to all those who've supported me in the past, and I really wanted to show my love for this site. This was something I've wanted to do for such a long time. Here it is! After 8 years since the last one, this is the third and final instalment of the Pico Sim Date series. Thank you very much for the Front Page! <3 Happy Pico Day everyone! Hope you're all having fun!